14 Feb All We Need Is LOVE BOMBS!

All We Need Is LOVE BOMBS!
Plant Buddies’ Compassion Day Delivery to our old inner city schools.
“All We Need Is LOVE BOMBS” of oxygen rich plants” – Big UP to our Plant Buddies team that came together on Compassion-Valentines-Day to deliver beautiful starter plants to our old inner city schools that needs it the most. Take note of the divine timing when it just happens to be The Garden Place Academy’s Principal, Ms. Renteria’s birthday too! Thank YOU to Ms. Moore for everything you do and thank YOU to Ms. Ashley at Denver Downtown Expeditionary School for helping coordinate a sweet welcome.
Special shout out to Phelan Garden’s Nursery and A House Of Pots, BuildASoil & Fermented Extracts for your expertise and beautiful range of plants and products that helped grow and finalize this delivery to schools. Today more deliveries are going out to our kids community, cause kids need research plants too!
Love is in the AIR and soon Plant Buddies will take a deep dive into EARTH and the wonders of soil. Breathe, love and stay grounded friends. 🐛