22 Sep Borage, Birds & Bees

My friend Jessica (also knows as “The Bird”) was the first person to ever introduce me to the Borage plant, often called StarFlower. Little did I know that this was going to be the number one plant in our family garden to service and attract insects, bees and the annual hummingbirds.

Every spring/summer the seasonal hummingbirds arrive to our family farm and I haven’t seen this much fuzz and buzz around the food garden until we started planting Borage plants. Happy playful hummingbirds letting you come close up to snap a shot while they drink the nectar. Every little critter visible going nuts for the numerous popping purple blossoms and hairy stalks. A perfect match brought to you by Mother Nature.
“A perfect match brought to you by Mother Nature.”
In good living soil this plant will spread out large and grow many long branches full of star shaped purple flowers. Be a nice gardener and plant some Borage for the birds, bees and critters. They will love you.
Photo Credit © 2020 Garden of eDunn, All Rights Reserved.