07 Sep Health Starts In The Soil
Health Starts In The Soil
Our garden is in the “Babies & Giants” stage and we just harvested these 3 giant Black Beauty Zucchini’s 🥒 I can only conclude that the plants loved the soil this grow season looking at the quantity and size of the harvest. The quality of the soil that we grow our foods and herbs in, truly matters. Good soil is full of life, worms, microbes and nutrients. It can take years to build up good soil in a food garden, it’s a garden-art-in-process.
On our family farm nothing goes to waste with a circular system were everyday food scraps, peels and kombucha scobies’ become compost or chicken breakfast. In return we receive fresh eggs and rich compost for our food gardens which makes it full circle. Nothing goes to waste on a farm, or urban grow setting either for that matter.
” The quality of the soil that we grow our foods and herbs in, truly matters.”
One direct and empowering method to connect back to the health of our soil (both Garden & Gut) is to learn how to grow our own veggies and herbs which is also a sure way to steer away from pesticide ridden monoculture that kills the life of the soil. It is clear that we need to introduce more holistic, biodiverse, traditional and earth-friendlier methods within agriculture and food systems.
Plants were always making nutrition and medicines for themselves and as humans we have adapted to plants to be their allies. Within the most cutting edge genetic research, an area that is known as Epigenetics or the science of external and environmental factors and its direct effect on DNA, it has become clear that we can turn genes on and off with the help of external factors from our environment (food, emotion, environment etc.). Sir Adrian Bird, the British geneticist and Buchanan Professor of Genetics at the University of Edinburgh, defined epigenetics as; “The structural adaptation of chromosomal regions that register, signal and perpetuate altered activity states.”
It’s time to connect back more to nature and the land in every way that we can cause living on a planet that can exist without humans not respecting it on a soil, food, medicine, air, plant kingdom and energy level truly disconnects us as universal beings. Raising our consciousness and honoring the sacredness of the soil and all sentient beings, will get us back to that.
“Plants were always making nutrition and medicines for themselves and as humans we have adapted to plants to be their allies.”

Photo Credit © 2020 Garden of eDunn, All Rights Reserved.